About gaming, alcohol, and more

Status: In uitvoering

Good to have you here for more information about gaming, alcohol, and more. It can be very challenging to guide a child well, especially when it comes to things like gaming, alcohol, or other topics. It’s not always easy to know the best way to handle these situations. But you’re not alone. Many parents and caregivers have the same questions. We’d like to share some tips and information that have helped others.

About gaming: Fun, but sometimes a trap

Gaming is something almost every child does. It’s often fun with friends, or they simply enjoy diving into their game. But sometimes, it can get a bit out of hand. Do you recognize this?

  • Your child spends hours gaming and seems to forget everything else
  • They get angry or frustrated when you ask them to stop
  • You notice their schoolwork or sleep is suffering  

That’s not easy to see as a parent. But it can help to pause and think about what’s going on. How can you keep gaming fun without it becoming too much? At www.helderopvoeden.nl you’ll find great tips. They explain the benefits of gaming but also how you can set boundaries as a parent without it turning into a fight. They even have practical tips for starting a conversation if you’re not sure how to bring up the topic.  

About alcohol: Why “wait until 18” is so important

It used to seem normal to drink alcohol at a young age. But now we know better. Alcohol is extra harmful for young people because their brains are still developing. Did you know that teens who start drinking early are more likely to develop addictions later in life? We all want our kids to stay safe.  

At www.nix18.nl you can find a lot of information about why it’s smart to wait until 18 to drink alcohol. What’s great is that you can also read experiences from other parents. You’ll find how they handle it, what challenges they faced, and how it helped shape their own approach. There’s also a video showing how to talk to your child about this – and what to avoid saying.

What can you do as a parent?

It doesn’t feel good to just warn or forbid things all the time. Luckily, there are ways to keep the conversation going and support your child:

  • Keep talking. If you notice something isn’t going well – whether it’s about gaming, alcohol, or something else – keep the conversation open. Sometimes it works better to bring it up during a quiet moment, like on a walk or at the dinner table.
  • Set agreements. Clear rules about gaming or alcohol help. Making a plan together often reduces conflict.
  • Be a role model. Kids always look up to us, even when we think they don’t. Show them how you keep a healthy balance between work, screen time, social activities, and alcohol use if you drink.
  • Talk with other parents.** You’ll see you’re not alone. Try to make agreements together. 
  • Ask for help if needed. It might feel like you have to “pretend everything is fine,” but asking for help can sometimes be the best thing you can do. It shows you care about your child’s wellbeing.

Where can you go for help?

Luckily, there are many places where you can get advice or support:  

  • Helderopvoeden.nl: Practical tips and conversation guides for parents
  • NIX18.nl: Experiences and tips from other parents about dealing with alcohol
  • Brijder: Specialists in addiction care who can help both teens and parents
  • Gro-up Buurtwerk: A great place for your child to make new friends and do fun activities. Youth workers at Gro-up Buurtwerk are there to listen to young people
  • Aalsmeeractief.nl: Find sports or creative activities nearby
  • @ease: A safe place for teens to anonymously share their thoughts and concerns
  • Parenting advice from GGD/JGZ: Call or email for advice at 06 – 2337 0578 or jgzopvoedspreekuur@ggd.amsterdam.nl.
  • Talk to a mentor. They can connect you with Brijder.
  • Watch webinars by Brijder
  • Support for family and loved ones, more information at the Brijders website

It’s okay to have questions and worries

We all do, and that’s completely normal. Sometimes hearing or reading something can give you a new perspective. No one is perfect, but we’re all doing our best, and we can learn a lot from each other.

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